Event finished. This event was in the past: 10:30am on Saturday, October 05, 2024
Join our workshop to explore identity and belonging through art. Activities include badge-making, sketching, and watercolours. Open to trans, non-binary, LGBTQIA+, and questioning young people. 12+
Bec Wilson has a background with Children and Young people in Arts and Wellbeing. She enjoys running workshops with a community focus and lives on Wadawurrung Country.
Bookings are essential to save your place in the program.
Please cancel your booking if anyone in your group is unwell on the day of the program, or if you are no longer able to attend so we can contact our waitlist.
Bookings close one day prior to the session. If you require assistance, please contact library staff.
This modern, welcoming library provides invaluable community space and library services to the area. The branch features zones for children and young people, study and reading spaces, an outdoor courtyard and meeting rooms for community hire. Regular Baby, Toddler and Preschool Story Time sessions are held here, as well as events and programs for adults taking place throughout the year.