This debut novel by local author Belinda Lyons-Lee has been named by The Guardian as one of the books to look out for in 2021.
In this delicious novel of twists and turns, the rambling estate of Welbeck, with its locked doors and rooms, is full of secrets and no-one is who they seem. There is the seductive aura of Shelley, Dickens and Du Maurier in Tussaud. Marie must fight for survival in a world dominated by male advantage and power in a mesmerising story filled with wisdom about human
behaviour and motivations.
Belinda Lyons-Lee was born in Geelong, Australia and still lives in the region with her husband and son. She has degrees in youth work, education, writing and literature. Belinda has been teaching English and creative writing in high schools for nearly twenty years and the nineteenth century has been an obsession of hers for even longer.
Belinda will be signing books and The Book Bird, Geelong West, is our bookseller partner for the evening.
Library services first began in Belmont in 1885. Our current library was officially opened on 28 October 1982 by the Hon FN Wilkes MP, Minister for Local Government and his Worship the Mayor, Cr PF Ward JP. The building was renovated in 2010 making it a modern, pleasing and community-centric library environment. The renovated library was officially opened by the Hon Richard Wynne MP, Minister for Local Government. Belmont Library is a large and busy hub within easy reach of the High Street commercial precinct.