In the small seaside town of Queenscliff, two boys from opposite sides of the world forge a friendship. Until a catastrophic event shatters their idyllic childhoods. Two lives lost. A lie is told.
“Haunting and heartfelt, I am still thinking about The Broken Wave weeks after finishing it.” - Kylie Ladd
Matthew is also the author of Things We Bury, which has been optioned for television, and the young adult novel This Thing of Darkness.
The Queenscliff Library is housed in a beautiful heritage building, built in 1887, and services the Queenscliff and Point Lonsdale communities, as well as holidaymakers. Located in the main street of this picturesque coastal village, the branch is a small but much-loved community space. Located next to the Visitor Information Centre and Queenscliffe Historical Museum, the library features public access PCs, free WiFi, study spaces and a large reading room. Regular Preschool Story Time sessions are held here.